Guys, study session #14 (Fixed Income, Part 1) was OK for me (after all, I got >70% on Level 1). But study session #15 (Fixed Income, Part 2) beats me to “death”. After doing some exercises, I am skipping it.
So, right now I am on Derivatives Part 1. Hoping to finish it #16 and #17 next Sunday.
#18 is Portfolio Management, hope to make it in order to conclude with some accounting from study session #6 before May.
I am sending wife and kids away for 2 weeks, and then last 2 weeks I am getting off the workplace.
No pain, no gain… hope not to repeat this Level 2 again, although I have done some 1 300 questions of basic character from Schweser, I am not sure in passing this one.
All the best to all candidates.